After more than six years of political feuds, intermittent conflict and a foreign-backed assault on the capital that ended last June, Libyans appear to have turned the page

Rival factions signed a ceasefire agreement last October and since March the country has had a unified interim government. Despite the progress made, the new authorities face numerous challenges as they try to knit a war-torn country back together and prepare the ground for elections in late 2021

This online conversation on the challenges of Libya’s transition will bring together the experience of the UN’s former chief mediator, whose efforts contributed to the success of Libya’s political transition, and Crisis Group’s fieldwork and analysis reflected in its recent report entitled “Libya Turns the Page”



Claudia Gazzini – Consulting Senior Analyst, Libya, International Crisis Group (since 2012). Former Policy Advisor to Ghassan Salamé, Head of the UN Support Mission in Libya (2017-2018)

Stephanie Williams – Former United Nations Deputy Special Representative for Political Affairs (2018-20) and Acting Special Representative of the Secretary General (2020-21), at the United Nations Support Mission in Libya (UNSMIL). Former Chargé d’Affaires, a.i. (2018) at the United States Embassy in Tripoli (Libya External Office)


Joost Hiltermann – Program Director, MENA, International Crisis Group


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